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A Personal Injury Collision Occurred on September 18th Involving a Driver to Drive 240 ft Into a Ditch


A personal injury collision occurred on Monday, September 18th at 7:25 am on S 13th St. and W Oakland. The crash involved the driver of a Chevy Caprice who was transported by Tonkawa EMS to Integris Blackwell Regional Hospital in Blackwell. He was admitted in fair condition with head injuries.

He was driving westbound on W Oakland Ave when he failed to yield to a stop sign, causing the driver to drive about 240 ft off the roadway into a ditch.

The crash was investigated by Trooper Holden Brown #308 of the Noble/Kay County detachment of Troop K and assisted by the Tonkawa Police Department, Tonkawa Tribal Police Department, Tonkawa Fire Department, and Tonkawa EMS.