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City of Enid to Discontinue Green Yard Waste Cart Program


The City of Enid is set to discontinue the Green Yard Waste Cart Program on March 1 to prioritize financial sustainability and environmental stewardship.

The Green Yard Waste Cart program was intended to be an alternate way to process materials at the local landfill. Over time, the program strayed away from its original purpose and began causing financial and operational strains with diminishing returns for the city. 

The program was initially suspended in October 2022, but will be officially discontinued on March 1, 2024. 

If you currently possess a green cart, here are your options on what to do with your cart:

  1. Residents can repurpose it for personal needs.
  2. Residents can use the cart for solid waste services with an additional pickup fee of $4 per pickup.
  3. Solid Waste department staff can come to collect it free of charge.

The City of Enid cannot repair or replace damaged carts.

If you have any questions or comments, contact the City of Enid Solid Waste Department at (580)-616-7300.