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Enid Mayor and Board of Commissioners to Host Study Session and Regular Meeting


The City of Enid Mayor and Board of Commissioners are hosting their bi-monthly scheduled meeting in the City Chambers at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Municipal Complex.

The Study Session is slated for 5 p.m. and includes the following items:

  • Discuss the economic impact of the Stride Bank Center and the Junior College World Series
  • Update on the Landfill Methane Plant from Scissortail Renewables
  • Address the City’s legislative priorities
  • Update on the Cleveland Street Widening Project
  • Update from the Parks Department on 4th of July activities

The Regular Meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. Here are some items of note:

  • Consider waiving the Finance Procedures Manual requirements and awarding a blanket purchase order for $110,000.00 for the acquisition of chlorine gas in one-ton containers
  • Award a contract to Luckinbill Construction Company LLC for the Ames Raw Water Transmission Project