The Andy Deterding Memorial Golf Tournament is happening soon on Saturday, October 28 at Pheasant Run Golf Course. Check-in will be open at 9:15 am, and the shotgun start will be at 10:00 am.
Entry costs will be $300 per team and $75 per player. Sponsorship opportunities will be available:
Platinum – $500: Team Entry, Hole, & Cart Sponsor
Gold – $300: Hole & Cart Sponsor
Silver – $200: Hole Sponsor
Bronze – $100: Cart Sponsor
Upon entry, you will receive 18 holes of golf, cart usage, lunch, and cheater packages will be purchasable. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place; as well as longest drive, closest to the pin, and longest putt.
All proceeds will go to ST. Paul’s Lutheran School.
If you have any questions, contact the SPLS Office at 580-234-6646 or at [email protected].