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Preview of Mayor and Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting


Authored By Michael Soucek:

The Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid will be having a Study Session and Regular Meeting today starting at 5:00 PM in the City Administration building. The Study Session will begin with needing to discuss any items of concern on the Regular Session Agenda.

After that, the items of the Study Session that will be addressed will be as followed: Legislative update from Curt Roggow, a presentation on economic development marketing; industry recruitment, and the new industrial park; and an update on Enid’s Sister City in Niger, Africa. Some major points to highlight from the Regular Meeting are the approval of a 120-month lease agreement with Airgas USA, LLC for the purchase of Liquid Oxygen and Lease of Equipment in the amount of $654,860.00;

The acceptance of the Garland and Randolph Waterline Relocation by Southwest Water Works; and The approval of claims in the amount of $8,319,201.48. Other various events include a price change for street construction at 54th Street in the amount of $59,909.16; The resurfacing of the Government Springs Park South Tennis Court; The waiving of the finance procedures manual and approval of a professional services agreement with OpenGov, Inc. for a 3-year renewal of the Cartegraph asset management program in the amount of $249,470.00; and Another wave of finance procedures manual and approve a five-year agreement with sole-source provider Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the purchase of seventy-seven Taser 10 units and related equipment, training, software and licensing for the Enid Police Department, in the total amount of $357,134.60. 

The Study Session started at 5:00 PM, and the Regular Session is scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM.