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Tammy Millsap Talks about the Upcoming Tombstone Tales Event at the Enid Cemetery


Tammy Millsap Interview here.

Tammy Millsap from the Enid Cemetery recently had an interview with EnidLIVE! discussing the upcoming event they are hosting.

Tammy talked about the general idea of Tombstone Tales. As stated by her, “We do it every October, try to do it in the first weekend of October and it brings out all the history we have here in Enid.” She went on to say, “You drive up to our Chapel, which is on the north end of the cemetery, you come up, we’re also serving hamburgers and hotdogs by donation . . . there are tractors that are donated by P&K Equipment, and they got trailers behind them; so you go on an old-fashioned hay ride. And they take off and they stop at all the characters like our mausoleum.”

She talked about some of the people who were laid to rest in the Cemetery who will make an appearance to tell their story at Tombstone Tales. Quoted by Tammy, “We start out at 6:30, the first tour goes out and we have 11 characters who reenact the people who are out there. We have a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, we have a lady that was kidnapped by Indians . . . there’s a lot of history that we have in our cemetery.”

Tammy also spoke about the importance of the event. As stated by her, “I think it’s very important and I’m glad that we got it out there to do it. And I want to continue doing this, I want to continue having this each year . . . I hope people will continue to come out and learn more.”