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The Enid Mayor and Board Commissioners Approve Suddenlink Cable Permit during Regular Meeting


The Enid Mayor and Board Commissioners had a regular meeting on September 19th. All notions that were presented during the meeting were approved. Here is the list of items that were approved during the meeting.

The Considering of waiving the Finance Procedures Manual and approving the sole source purchase of components and upgrades for the AMI water meter system through June 30, 2024, from Core and Main, LP, St. Louis, Missouri, in an amount not exceeding $500,000.00.

The considering an ordinance amending the Enid Municipal Code 2014 “Public Ways and Property”, Chapter 9, “Community Antenna Television Systems” to provide for the granting of a non-exclusive permit to the Cable Operator for the operation of a Cable System; by the addition of a new Article I, to be entitled “Cebridge (Suddenlink/Optimum) CATV Permitting”

To summarize, the City of Enid was approached by Cebridge Acquisitions to restart negotiations for a new permit for Cable services for Suddenlink or Optimum. If passed, the item would provide Optimum or Cebridge with a ten-year Cable permit.

The approval of claims in the amount of $3,264,805.08

As well as the approval of claims in the amount of $223,904.33 for the beautification efforts on city entryways.

For more information about the contents of the meeting, check out the full meeting on the City of Enid Oklahoma Government Facebook Page.