The Waukomis Carnival will be happening on Saturday, October 21 at Waukomis Public Schools. There will be fun carnival games such as a cake walk, fish pond, ring toss, bingo, and many more. Tickets for the games are priced at 25¢.
There will also be a raffle drawing that can be purchased from Waukomis students. The students will get rewards if they sell the most tickets.
Students from Pre-K to 2nd Grade, and 3rd grade to 6th will be competing to sell raffle tickets for $1.
Some notable rewards include lunch with Mr. Hicks at Mo’s Place for the $100 sellers, a day at incredible pizza in OKC for the first to $250, and the first class to $1000.00 will have a choice between a movie and popcorn, or kickball game with the students vs the teachers.
The top seller along with their teacher will get to pie Mr. Hicks in the face.