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Major County Sheriff’s Office Announces Arrest of Alleged Scammers


The Major County Sheriff’s Department made the following post to their Facebook page.

Daniel Alberto Perez Rodriguez and Yorlen Perez have been arrested in connection with the skimmer that was found on the gas pump at the Ames CO-OP.

Rodriguez has been charged with credit card fraud, use of counterfeit instrument and 2nd degree forgery.

Perez has been charged in Kingfisher County for possession of incomplete credit cards, driving without a driver’s license and is expected to have further charges in Major County.

Rodriguez was apprehend after a coordinated effort and excellent communication with Ames Fire Department, CO-OP employees and Major County Deputies and Dispatch.

We would like to thank everyone that has helped out, especially Kingfisher County Sheriff’s Deputies as well as Kingfisher Police Department. At this time, we have approximately 80 victims.

These are arrests not convictions.